Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

What is ALVA STRONG's goal?

To preserve one of the last rural communities in Lee County. We just want to keep Alva, Alva!

Is ALVA STRONG against development?

No! We recognize that development is inevitable and when done responsibly, can be a benefit to the community. We are fighting to re-implement the Lee Plan which recognized the beauty and rarity of Alva by limiting density to one-acre residential lots, which is consistent with the surrounding area. We are happy with one unit per buildable acre – because that is what the Lee County Comprehensive Plan (Lee Plan/Future Land Use Plan) dictated. This is reasonable, logical, and responsible.

How can I help ALVA STRONG?

  • First, please sign up for our mailing list by subscribing here.
  • Second, participate in meetings, especially important public meetings where Future Land Use Amendments and Re-zoning Applications are presented and deliberated. Speak up at these meetings with logical arguments.
  • Finally, if you have the means, please donate by clicking here. Unfortunately we are fighting an uphill battle against some wealthy, powerful players, just to keep development consistent with the current allowable use and zoning. Land Use Attorneys and Expert Witnesses are not cheap!


Donations are appreciated. Please send a check to: 
PO Box 2022, Alva, FL 33920

Thank you!